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Competing for your nation is one thing, but being the fastest person from your country to race a distance is something beyond belief. For Samuel Fitwi, his new German Record of 2:04:56, was the culmination of dedication, consistency and patience.

Product Worn: COROS PACE 3 Valencia Edition

Analysis Tool: COROS Training Hub

Build up to the race

Following a break from training after the Paris Olympics, Samuel and his coach began to prepare for the final race of 2024, with one goal in mind, to break the German National Record.

"I left Paris with a strong result on a difficult course and knew that, there was still more to give in 2024"
- Samuel Fitwi

Samuel's Base Fitness and Load Impact leading into his record breaking run.

With a relatively short time frame since Paris, where he finished 15th in 2:09:50, Samuel based himself in Addis Ababa, building his fitness at +7000ft. Samuel began steadily building his base fitness in September.

Progressive Marathon Long Run

32km Progressive Marathon Long Run Pace and Heart Rate Graph

A 30km long run is a staple in many marathon training plans. Just a few weeks out from Valencia, Samuel completed a 32km progressive run. Aiming to gradually increase his pace throughout the workout, the intention was to prepare his body for the latter stages of a marathon. Starting at 3:27 per km and progressing down to 2:54 per km by the end of the session with an Avg HR of 166bpm.

Marathon Specific Track Session

Pace and Heart Rate Graph from Samuel's Track Workout

Although the marathon is an endurance event, many elites still incorporate speedwork to help build their cadence and effeciency. This session of 5 x 1km, 5 x 400m completed twice, helped Samuel to accumulate time at paces above his goal marathon pace of 2:58 per km. Averaging 2:56 per km, for the 1km efforts with an Avg HR around 167 bpm, shows Samuel's fitness was improving justweeks before his key event.

Data from a (5 x 1km, 5 x 400m) x 2, Marathon Specific Track Workout

One way this helped build his effeciency was by specifically targeting his VO2Max.  Averaging 65 seconds per 400m, Samuel sat within his Anaerobic Endurance Zone (VO2Max). By doing so, it allows for athletes to operate at their threshold in a more controlled state

German National Record Data Analysis

After solid preparation, Samuel approached Valencia with the possibility of running the German National Record. Still learning the distance, Samuel chose Valencia Marathon as the ideal location to test his fitness for the final time in 2024. What followed exceptional pacing, for the 42km distance. Below we break down how Samuel broke the German National Record and set a new PB of 2:04:56.

First Half Marathon

Prior to the start, Samuel was relaxed, but still feeling the excitement of race day. Sitting at 100 bpm (heart rate), Samuel went right into his steady pacing for the first half of the race. Clocking 5k splits of 14:47, 14:44, 14:44, and 14:44, Samuel averaged a cadence of 184 and a heart rate of 165 bpm.

Samuel went through the half marathon point in 1:01:12, ahead of pace for the National Record which stood at 2:04:58.

Halfway to 40km

Entering into the back half of the race, We can see Samuel's heart rate beginning to rise due to fatigue. Samuel was able to run another 14:46 split, but then faded slightly between 25-35km. Running 14:58 and 15:03, Samuel still had a chance at the record given his steady pacing early in the race.

The Final 2.2km

Going through 40km just below National Record Pace, Samuel's prior training was about to pay off. Getting motivation from his coach on the sidelines, Samuel increased his heart rate to 182 (VO2Max) and pushed on. Entering the final stretch, Samuel leaned into his 400m training and kicked with a cadence of 225.

As the saying goes, we make our own luck, and for Samuel Fitwi, the hardwork in the months prior put him ahead of the National Record by 2 seconds.

Samuel Fitwi celebrating after running the German National Record at Valencia Marathon. Wearing the limited edition COROS PACE 3 Valencia Edition.


Finding success in a marathon does not happen by chance. Athletes target specific energy systems in their build, and are rewarded for their hard work. For many amateurs, the first question mark is always the distance. However, once you know 26.2 is within your ability, the next phase of improving performance comes from specific training.

For access to COROS marathon training plans built for all abilities, visit

For those looking for individual assistance, you can reach out to where our coaches will look at your data and provide individualized recommendations.